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Parole Letters Needed for Reggie Clemons

Reggie Clemons is eligible for parole in 2020. His upcoming hearing with Parole and Probation will consider his parole. He needs letters of support to boost his standing. Click here for more information about his case.

Here’s some information to know and/or to include in your letter. It doesn’t have to be long and involved. It can be short and sweet. Please email your letter for Reggie to OBS at by June 15.

About Reggie

Reggie has been a model prisoner and has not received or needed any disciplinary conduct violations for the past five years. He has been locked up long enough for 28 years on a thirty year life sentence to obtain parole. Reggie is an inventor and artist. He has shared his knowledge of criminal law to help others better understand their cases and get help. Reggie is a father and grand father, who hopes to have an opportunity to show his parents, how much he appreciates the love that he has been unworthy of.
Reggie plans to continue his education to better serve others and write books about what he has learned from his experiences on death row. He looks to find help finding his place in society to get help serving others in his transition. Reggie has taken responsibility for his crimes against society and is looking to make an amends for the wrongs he has done. He has done enough time and now he would like to ask for your support in moving forward toward a responsible lifestyle.