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O22-National Day Against Police Brutality

Re-envisioning Public Safety

IT’S TIME TO GET REAL! Arrest & Incarcerate has failed. People, families, neighborhoods, whole communities are left devastated in its wake. It is way past time to shift from this model to a problem-solving model that makes people truly safe and also gets at the root causes of crime.

We need to shift our city budget priorities to do so. At this year’s O22 the Coalition Against Police Crimes and Repression (CAPCR) will launch our campaign to divest from policing and re-invest that money in our communities.

It’s time to be creative and forge forward into a transformative future. Can we imagine and then create a world where we are safer in every aspect of our lives? Can we get to that world without fundamentally transforming the traditional institution of the police or even abolishing it?

CAPCR is pleased to host Jara Connell, an anthropology professor at Brandies University who studies race and policing in St. Louis, who will facilitate a simulation designed to help us visualize what police really do as opposed to what we think they do.

CAPCR is also pleased to host Marbre Stahly-Butts. Marbre, a former Soros Justice Fellow and now Policy Advocate at the Center for Popular Democracy, who will discuss reinvesting to set real priorities that solve real problems and explore the steps we must take to move toward abolition of police. We need to shift our city budget priorities to do so. At this year’s O22 the Coalition Against Police Crimes and Repression (CAPCR) will launch our campaign to divest from policing and re-invest that money in our communities.

It’s time to be creative and forge forward into a transformative future. Can we imagine and then create a world where we are safer in every aspect of our lives? Can we get to that world without fundamentally transforming the traditional institution of the police or even abolishing it?

CAPCR is pleased to host Jara Connell, an anthropology professor at Brandies University who studies race and policing in St. Louis, who will facilitate a simulation designed to help us visualize what police really do as opposed to what we think they do.

CAPCR is also pleased to host Marbre Stahly-Butts. Marbre, a former Soros Justice Fellow and now Policy Advocate at the Center for Popular Democracy, who will discuss reinvesting to set real priorities that solve real problems and explore the steps we must take to move toward abolition of police. We need to shift our city budget priorities to do so. At this year’s O22 the Coalition Against Police Crimes and Repression (CAPCR) will launch our campaign to divest from policing and re-invest that money in our communities.

It’s time to be creative and forge forward into a transformative future. Can we imagine and then create a world where we are safer in every aspect of our lives? Can we get to that world without fundamentally transforming the traditional institution of the police or even abolishing it?

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